We are bound by our word, not just by the stuff we sign.
We believe that curiosity is mankind’s best trait, followed closely by creativity…they are related.
We are approachable and humble.
We are investors first and financiers second. If it doesn’t make sense to own, it doesn’t make sense to transact.
We give our best to our companies, our investors, and our colleagues.
We are both professional and informal—they are not mutually exclusive.
We stand on the shoulders of others; learning from history is the basis of modern society.
We hold fun and humor in highest regard. We do what we do with a smile, because we find the work to be a pleasure.
We believe it is one world, not America and everyone else. Go out and seek the opportunity, wherever it may be.
We tinker to make things better, more beautiful, more complete…work is never, really, done.
We are almost never purveyors of out-of-the-box solutions, and standard efforts. If that is all you need we can refer you.
We love a challenge. Tell us it can’t be done and we are off and running.
We believe that trust and friendship is earned. We invest time in relationships, often a lot of time.
We believe in diversity. We are all one.
We celebrate our victories and learn from our failures.
We don’t hire and we generally seek to avoid the arrogant, self-impressed or entitled.
We start with the question why, then we challenge the assumptions in the data, then we get lunch.
We are committed to a life of self and organizational improvement with the following goals: inspiring confidence from our clients, accuracy in our analysis, transparency in our processes, and delivery on commitments.
We focus. If you don’t hear from us for a few weeks, we are probably focused. It is the only way we know to deliver on commitments and achieve our objectives.
Above all, we don’t take ourselves any more seriously than is absolutely necessary.